My dev blog

Don’t let your RxJS observables die

RxJS is a powerful library for reactive programming. We use it in Angular all the time, from simple reactions to HTTP client responses to full-blown state management solutions. But sometimes, it is easy to miss some details and create a code that can break at the worst possible moment. Therefore, we will dive into a few scenarios that you should remember when dealing with errors in RxJS observable executions.
October 10, 2021
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How to use an Android device for ASP.NET development

In this article, I will show you how to turn your Android device into a machine for web development with .NET 5. For the sake of fun, we will do all the necessary configuration steps directly on a tablet without the aid of another computer. The basic idea is to use code-server, which enables us to run VsCode on a remote machine and access it in a browser.
January 05, 2021
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Integrating React into ASP.NET Core using Razzle with all the goodies like SSR, routing, code splitting, and HMR – Part 2/2

In the first part of this article, we have created a React application with server-side rendering (SSR) in ASP.NET Core. We did not use the well-known library ReactJS.NET but instead went a different way that gives us greater flexibility. We helped ourselves with a tool called Razzle and used Javascript.NodeJS to call NodeJS from ASP.NET Core. In this part, we will add data loading to both the client and the server-side. We will look into code splitting and wrap up with a deployable package of our application.
October 17, 2020
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Integrating React into ASP.NET Core using Razzle with all the goodies like SSR, routing, code splitting, and HMR – Part 1/2

To create a React application with server-side rendering (SSR) in .NET, you can usually use a well-known library, ReactJS.NET. Sadly, you might miss some useful features like code splitting or HMR (Hot Module Replacement). You are also constrained in which React libraries with SSR support you can use. E.g., in time of writing this article, there is no support for Typography.js.
June 26, 2020
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Preventing unnecessary allocation in .NET collections

.NET is doing a really good job in the case of memory management, and usually, you don’t have to think about it at all. But if you are creating an application where performance really matters, for instance, a game in Unity, then it is important to have allocations in check. Sometimes you will be surprised how a rather innocently looking code could do a lot of allocations and mess with the performance. Let’s look into a few such cases.
February 09, 2020
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Turning Git into an application database

Today when you are creating an application, you have many options for a database to choose from. What you might not realize is that you could consider Git as one of the options with some great advantages. Why and how would you do that? Well, read ahead.
December 28, 2019
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